Giovanni Colacicchi
L'ebbrezza di Noè, 1955
The inebriation of Noah / L'ivresse de Noé
Olio su tela / Oil on canvas / Huile sur toile
Olio su tela / Oil on canvas / Huile sur toile
94 x 154.5 cm
37 x 60 7/8 in
37 x 60 7/8 in
The work is a gift from the artist to his niece Giovanna.
The painting comes in fact with a letter written by Giovanni Colacicchi the 5th July 1989 and addressed to his niece Giovanna: Cara Giovanna, ti faccio / portare da Francesco il bozzet/tone dello "scorno di Noè" / spero ne sarai contenta / Carissimi saluti / e un abbraccio a te e a Paolo. / Zio Giovanni / Firenze 5 luglio 1989 ***
The painting is a version of the 1955 Noah's Drunkenness, kept in the collection of the Colacicchi heirs.
*** Dear Giovanna, I am having / Francesco bring you the sketch / of the "Noah's Discomfort" / I hope you will be delighted / Best regards / and a hug to you and Paolo. / Uncle Giovanni / Florence 5 July 1989).
Signed and titled on the back: primo abbozzo per l'ebrezza di noè. giovanni colacicchi (first sketch for noah's drunkenness. giovanni colacicchi)
Florence, artist's heirs