Premier sculpteur à la cour de Cosme III de Médicis: un fond inédit de dessins
Kira d'Alburquerque, 2016
Brossura | Paperback | Broché
GIOVANNI BATTISTA FOGGINI (1652/-1725): Premier sculpteur à la cour de Cosme III de Médicis: un fond inédit de dessins
Publisher: Maurizio Nobile
Dimensions: 29,5x21x0,8 mm
Pages: 128
ISBN-13: 978-88-98456-05-5
€ 31.65

Catalogue published for the exhibition organized in the Paris gallery to coincide with the Salon du Dessin (30 March-4 April 2016).


This is the publication of an entire collection of drawings by Giovanni Basttista Foggini, first sculptor and architect of the court of Cosimo III de'Medici, recently identified by the gallery and which comes from an important Florentine collection.

As unique as it is rare, it constitutes the third collection of drawings by the artist after those in the Uffizi and the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

The album, which contains a total of 79 sheets, of which 60 are  attributable without doubt to the Florentine artist, comes from the collection of the Pandolfini princes of Florence.

The existence of the collection was brought to the attention of scholars by Kalus Lankheit who published four sheets from the group in 1962, without indicating either the size of the group or its exact location.

It is therefore a significant discovery made by the gallery for the pleasure of connoisseurs and scholars of late Baroque sculpture from Florence. Among these is Kira d'Alburquerque a leading expert on the artist, who has kindly taken on the task of studying the group, which is now part of the present catalogue.


She will present the collection on Wednesday 30 March at 6 p.m. in the Paris gallery.


Edited by Laura Marchesini and Davide Trevisani


Catalogue published in French only.

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